Wednesday, August 30, 2006

kinyújtott kézzel magyaráz

Timur a nyaralásunk előtt kezdett el kinyújtott kézzel magyarázni. Kinyújtja az egyik kezét és a hüvelykujját a tenyerébe hajlítja. Így mutogat a nagy messziségbe, vagy konkrét dolgokra és rengeteget gagyog ehhez a művelethez. Ha egy idegen megszólítja az utcán, akkor is kinyújtja a kezét az idegen felé. Sokszor megfogják a kezét és ekkor visszahúzza. Az érintés még furcsa számára. Nagyon könnyen kapcsolatba lép az emberekkel mindenhol. Én csak ülök és nézek, meg persze szóba elegyedek. Nagyon barátságos a lelke ennek a pici emberkének.

holiday impressions

Timur handled our trip to Hungary and Croatia very well. We flew into Budapest, spent some days in the city, then we took the train to Szeged and spent a week with nagymama. Timur enjoyed life in Szeged.

There was a weird story. One night papa came home restless and told mama that there was a truck in the park omitting smoke. Papa immediately wanted to call the milieu police, or at least tell the guy to stop the car and this insanity. We left Timur with nagymama and went to the Liget. Mama nearly tripped over a drunkard lying in the grass. The truck was still there. The smoke was so intense that we couldn't get close to the car. We decided to go back home. We learned on the way that the smoke was against mosquitoes and it was harmless to humans. It was difficult to persuade papa about this though. We closed all the doors and windows at home, gave a big kiss to Timur and set out for our trip to Croatia the next morning.

We drove to Croatia via Serbia and Bosnia. The trip was long, but beautiful. Bosnia is a gorgeous country! Nice mountains, crystal clear mountain rivers, fresh air, lots of forests, flowers, etc. The weather was hot and we were very excited. After crossing mountains after mountains, after mountains, we finally reached the coast of Croatie. Timur enjoyed the sea a lot, despite its coldness and saltiness. He is a brave, tough little guy.

Timur can crawl off the bed

We are still co-sleeping and I couldn't imagine it in any other way. Timur is more rough during the night than before, but "that's the way we like it"... :) He turns around, across, over, or any direction you cannot even imagine. He is still breastfed during the night. Since I'm working and I'm often not with him during the day, I feel very happy that I can be next to him and care for his good night rest. Luckily, I can sleep very well too, and despite the fact that I have not slept one night through in the past 10 months, I do not feel deprived.

The good thing about this arrangement is that Timur can crawl off the bed since we came back from the holiday. If we are around, he likes to hold our hand while performing his acrobatics. When we are not around he is still brave enough to climb off. We are very proud of him for figuring out the tricks at such an early age. Well done, little boy!